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Regular price $6.00 USD
Regular price $8.00 USD Sale price $6.00 USD
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A VOLUPTUOUS VIXEN RUBBED IN CHESAPEAKE CRAB SPICE — Don’t let the eyes fool ya, fellas, Maryland Monroe has a list of priors longer than the Potomac, and topping it is Felonious Flavor in the first degree. Kissed with Old Bay Seasoning, Maryland Monroe is our homage to the Chesapeake Bay Region where the Cartel spent their childhood Summers. It evokes boating, bonfires, and of course, brown bags brimming with Chesapeake Bay Blue Crabs. Pass the claw crackers - this gal is no pushover!

Ahh, Maryland, our uniquely amphibious neighbors to the south. We've been sourcing Righteous Felon's all-natural, pasture-raised Black Angus beef from our partner Roseda Farm, based in northern Maryland, since making our first batch of beef jerky back in 2012.

In the ensuing years, we've learned that Maryland does another thing very well aside from just crab cakes and football: Dousing everything in site with a heavy dose of a piquant spice blend seasoning synonymous with the Chesapeake region, known as Old Bay - which our legal team tells us can never be mentioned again on our site and will henceforth be known as Chesapeake Crab Spice. While Chesapeake Crab Spice isn't widely known to the rest of the country, this stuff is basically canon in Maryland and the rest of the Mid-Atlantic states. And for good reason - it's freaking delicious.

The addition of Maryland Monroe to the Righteous Felon lineup is our homage to the great Old Line State, whose green pastures and temperate climate have given RF a steady supply of our secret ingredient for all these years: high quality Black Angus beef.

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